
A fourced journey that involves movement  a pathway that could be physical, cognitive, emotional, social, psychological, cultural, or political. Some journeys are ones we make by choice, but others involve the use of some kind of force that could develop from life circumstances or the use of power by someone else. Forced journeys might be a journey of the mind into a particular way of thinking or ideology, such as a young person seeking personal identity, resisting the imposition of a particular way of thinking, or seeking to maintain his/her own culture amidst a new one. A forced journey could be a cultural journey from traditional values to a more contemporary society, a psychological journey growing out of loss, or an actual physical journey from one place to another. As a conceptual theme, a forced journey does not always reflect a negative outcome, but it usually does reflect a challenge that takes time, strength, and critical thinking. -

Kathy G. Shor
